Assalamu Alikum,

I am Mohammad Mozammal Haque Small business entrepreneur in Bangladesh, recently I have started a project “The city of Green Valley”. Here we have 200 DCML lands. Presently there has a goat firming where almost 200 goats & works 17 man have & women. But our main focus is world Sustainable Development Goals. We want to work under SDG project to help ours poor, disable, unemployed, aged man & women for no poverty, zero hunger, good health & well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water & sanitation, affordable & clean energy, decent work & economic growth, industry innovation & infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities & communities, responsible consumption & production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice & strong institutions  and partnerships for the goals.  So we starting our project Agro Tourism is built a resort, green house, Cattle & goat farming, gardening, fishing, ponds & lack.

We hear that your renowned organization helps many private Ltd company. In this regards we apply for a loan from your estimated organization and also submitted a feasibility report where I needBDT 825.26 Million (USD $ 97,08,941 approximately). I know your estimate organization give me opportunity to help the world & help for takeover each goal.  Please take it in your wise concern and give me this golden opportunity.

Mohammad Mozammal Haque

Managing Director